Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Self Evaluation Questions

Self Evaluation

Q As a part of your essay writing process, I am requesting a moment of reflection. Please write a separate, brief assessment of the writing process you experienced throughout this essay assignment (one page, double-spaced/250 words). Here are the questions to guide your self-evaluation. Please respond with corresponding bullet-points, too: • Describe your pre-writing process (free-writing, clustering, etc.). How specifically did you incorporate these activities into the way you proceeded? • What were some of your main struggles in this paper? How did you resolve them? • Detail significant revisions you made to your essay as you worked on your final draft. Why did you choose to do these revisions? • If you had another week to work on this essay, what else would you do? • How do you feel about the paper? • What have you learned about your process as a writer from this assignment?

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Before writing an essay or even after reading a text I try to take some initial notes on what exactly I felt about the reading. This has helped me greatly throughout my life because it actually enhances the critical thinking power inside me. The first time I read the story “A Rose for Emily” it immediately came to my mind that the character of Emily is weird but there are specific reasons behind her behavior. She was the victim of her circumstances which made her act in that particular way. I went through the text the second time and noted some points about